

labelbuddy - application for annotating text documents


labelbuddy [ OPTIONS ]…​ [ FILE ]


Without any options, the labelbuddy command will start the labelbuddy GUI to annotate documents in the database FILE. If neither FILE nor --demo is used, labelbuddy will open the last database that was opened if it exists. With the option --demo, labelbuddy will open a temporary database pre-loaded with some example documents and labels.


-h, --help

Output a usage message and exit.

-v, --version

Display the labelbuddy version and exit.


Open a temporary database pre-loaded with some example documents and labels.

The options below allow executing batch operations on the database without opening the GUI. These actions will only be executed if the database FILE is specified explicitly. The import and export operations are executed in the order in which they appear here: import labels, import documents, export labels, export documents. This means that the same command can for example import a new document and then export it.

--import-labels labelsfile

Import labels contained in the (.json, .jsonl, .xml, .csv or .txt) file labelsfile into the database. Can be used several times.

--import-docs docsfile

Import documents and annotations contained in the (.json, .jsonl, .xml, .csv or .txt) file docsfile into the database. Can be used several times.

--export-labels labelsfile

Export labels in the database to the (.json, .jsonl, .xml or .csv) file labelsfile.

--export-docs docsfile

Export documents and annotations in the database to the (.json, .jsonl, .csv or .xml) file docsfile. Some options described below control what is exported.


When using the --export-docs option, only export documents that contain at least one annotation.


When using the --export-docs option, do not include the document’s text in the output. When the text is not exported, the documents can be identified from the MD5 checksum found in the output, or from any user metadata that was imported with the documents.


When using the --export-docs option, do not include annotations in the output.

--approver name

Use name as the annotation_approver. If not specified, the output will not contain an annotation_approver.


Repack the database so that it occupies a minimal amount of disk space (the database can contain some empty pages if data has been deleted from it, that it normally keeps and re-uses when new data is inserted). See SQlite3 documentation for details. If this option is used, labelbuddy vacuums the database and exits without doing anything else (and the options starting with --import- or --export- are ignored).


Jerome Dockes <>