Installing labelbuddy

Installing a binary copy

On Ubuntu

Packages built for different Ubuntu distributions are published on this Personal Package Archive. Add it to your system by executing:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:jdockes/labelbuddy
sudo apt-get update

Then the latest release of labelbuddy (and any future releases) can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install labelbuddy

If you don’t want to add the PPA to your sources list you can manually choose and download one of the published packages, then install it with apt:

sudo apt install ./labelbuddy_<version>.deb

On Debian

Binary packages can be downloaded from the releases page on GitHub. Once you have downloaded the package, you can install it with apt:

sudo apt install ./labelbuddy_<version>.deb

On Windows

Select the latest release from here, and download and run labelbuddy_<version>_windows_installer.exe (ignore Windows’ security warnings). labelbuddy can be uninstalled from the Windows applications menu, or by running the maintenancetool.exe executable found in the labelbuddy installation folder.

An alternative to using the installer is to download, unzip it anywhere, then execute the file labelbuddy.exe that it contains to start labelbuddy.

On MacOS

Select the latest release from here, and download labelbuddy_<version>.dmg. Double-click the downloaded file, and from the window that opens drag labelbuddy into the /Applications folder in Finder.

Building from source

Download a source distribution from GitHub, the labelbuddy PPA, or get the latest code by cloning or downloading the labelbuddy git repository.

labelbuddy uses Qt 5. Qt can probably be installed with your package manager, for example:

apt-get install qt5-default


yum install qt5-qtbase
yum install qt5-qtbase-devel

Otherwise you can get it from the Qt downloads page.

labelbuddy can be built with CMake. In an empty directory run:

cmake /path/to/labelbuddy
cmake --build .

Then labelbuddy can (optionally) be installed with:

sudo make install

labelbuddy can also be built with qmake:

qmake /path/to/labelbuddy

Building labelbuddy should be straightforward, so if you run into any difficulties please open a GitHub issue.